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Geneva :The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could become endemic like HIV, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday,
warning against any attempt to predict how long it would keep circulating and calling for a “massive effort” to counter it.
What Dr. Ryan told in virtual press conference:—
“It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away,”
Dr Michael Ryan,Executive Director,WHO Health Emergencies Programme told the virtual press conference from Geneva.
Watch the Video :—
Dr Ryan then said he doesn’t believe “anyone can predict when this disease will disappear”.
There are currently more than 100 potential vaccines in development – but Dr Ryan noted there are other illnesses, such as measles, that still haven’t been eliminated despite there being vaccines for them.
Dr Ryan added: “There is some magical thinking going on that lockdowns work perfectly and that unlocking lockdowns will go great. Both are fraught with dangers.”

WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus added: “The trajectory is in our hands, and it’s everybody’s business, and we should all contribute to stop this pandemic.”
Dr Tedros warned that there was no guaranteed way of easing restrictions without triggering a second wave of infections.
“Many countries would like to get out of the different measures,”he said.
“But our recommendation is still the alert at any country should be at the highest level possible.”